Reconocimiento del duelo en tiempos de incertidumbre – Encuesta
Hola, soy Alicia, responda la breve encuesta a continuación para compartir sus comentarios sobre la capacitación. Sus comentarios son invaluables y nos ayudan a garantizar que podamos continuar brindando capacitación a nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias!
Take a Tour of the RESET Toolbox – a collection of trainings and resources to build resilience Sign up now!
Pre-Register for How to Navigate COVID-19 Social Anxiety
Pre-Register for Trauma Informed Care
Pre-Register for Stress and Health for Parents, Family and Community
Pre-Register for Stress and Health for Students Grade 6-12
Pre-Register for Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Students Grade 6-12
Pre-Register for Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Community
Pre-Register for Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Parents/Family
Pre-Register for Train the Trainer for SEL Curriculum – “I Am Me” Program Training the Trainer
Pre-Register for Social and Emotional Learning – “I Am Me” Virtual Program
Pre-Register for Remote Workshops for Technology Support
Pre-Register for Restorative Implementation – Cohort Model
Pre-Register for Restorative Foundations – Educator’s Edition
Pre-Register for Suicide Prevention
Pre-Register for School Re-entry Program
Pre-Register for Psychiatric Consultation Line for Schools
Pre-Register for Building Resiliency in Youth
Pre-Register for Anxiety, Depression, and the Impact of COVID-19
Pre-Register for Teacher-Child Interaction Training