RESET Partner Trainings

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Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Parents/Family

This training is for parents and guardians and is intended to increase their knowledge about the 40 Developmental Assets and how they can use them to cultivate resilience in their children.

Building Blocks for Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Students Grades 6-12

Participants will learn what resilience is, what the 40 Development Assets are, and how supportive relationships can help them build Assets. They will receive practical ideas and strategies to boost their social and emotional skills and cultivate a positive mindset.

Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for School Staff

Learn and implement practical strategies to cultivate developmental assets and resiliency in students. Increase your knowledge on what the 40 Developmental Assets are and how family-school partnerships can support asset building.

Building Blocks of Resiliency: Helping Students Thrive for Community

Participants will learn what resilience is, what the 40 Development Assets are, and how family-school-community partnerships can support asset building. With real-world examples of Asset Builders, and learn practical ideas and strategies you can use right away.

Stress and Health for Students Grade 6-12

Participcants will learn about trauma, ACEs and resiliency, mindfulness, gratitude and other techniques for managing mental and emotional well-being. Students learn about self-awareness and methods of practicing the skill, through tips and self-reflection opportunities.

Stress and Health for Parents, Family and Community

Learn about the impact of trauma on development, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and techniques for parenting to mitigate these impacts. Help your youth cope with stress and feel confident to practice positive coping strategies to prevent burnout.

Stress and Health for Teachers and School Administrators

Learn how to integrate trauma-informed practices into your virtual classroom and build positive coping strategies to manage stress.

Building Relationships with Students Online

Gain confidence with specific interactive and engaging strategies to build positive relationships with students in your virtual classroom.

Connectopedia: [YOUth] Networking Through the Network for Middle School Students (grades 6-12)

Students grades 6-8, learn how to safely navigate online spaces, connect virtually with peers, combat cyberbullying and enhance mental and emotional well-being. By the end of this training, you will be equipped with resources and tools for when you, or a friend, is in need of support.

If you believe that you or a loved one is currently at high-risk, call 911 or immediately transport them to a hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency mental health care through this website.

Take a Tour of the RESET Toolbox – a collection of trainings and resources to build resilience Sign up now!